Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Christmas, 1st blockthro, Dissertation

Over christmas me and jenny worked on putting together the blockthro so that we could get ready to animate when we got back. This is the first attempt of the blockthro. We realised that we needed to cut it down a lot as it was just under 7 minutes but we could see that a lot of the shots could be a lot quicker so wasn't too worried. We first had georg have a look at it and he cut out a lot of the shots so after talking with him we then adjusted the blockthro.

I have to say i really enjoyed animating the scene where sally is under the floorboards playing with the spindle of thread as in this scene i focused on her movements more. I really enjoyed animating her movements as it is very different to what i have animated before and am looking forward to animating the real sally =D


Over christmas i have also been focusing on my Dissertation and got around 9,500 words down however i haven't properly read it all through yet as i was panicking on getting it done. So now i will have to go through each section and make adjustments where i need to.

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